



My friends describe me as thoughtful and kind. I can see the big picture and the smallest details, and I leave no man behind.


Patti has been embracing her fearless and unique character since her father set the example in her childhood. Here are just a few of the memories she holds with her today.


Growing up in a small town, I remember endless childhood adventures, riding bikes downtown for a Cherry Coke at the Rexall, holiday caroling up and down the small streets. Everyone knew everyone and if you were in trouble…your folks knew it before you made it home.


He would say, “PJ — when you shake hands —look them in the eye and hold on — let ’em know you are there,” and “PJ — be your own best friend and get outta your own way…you are the only one holding you back.” He’ll always be my role model.

Backing it way up…what place do you consider your hometown?

Alamogordo, New Mexico, holds my earliest memories. It’s a very small town, and I remember endless childhood adventures, early morning bike rides downtown for a Cherry Coke at the Rexall, holiday caroling up and down the small streets. Everyone knew everyone and if you were in trouble…your folks knew it before you made it home.


Is there someone in your family that you take most after?

My father was off-the-chart brilliant. He worked in the aerospace industry, making regular monthly trips to the Pentagon as a weapons and system designer/tester during the Cold War years. He also possessed Character with a capital “C,” and was an artist and a furniture designer. Always laughing, and appreciated local music, theater, and commonsense. I remember him saying, “PJ — when you shake hands — look them in the eye and hold on — let ’em know you are there,” and “PJ — be your own best friend and get outta your own way…you are the only one holding you back.” I’ve always referred to him as my role model, and always will.


How would your friends describe you?

Ha! They have and do! Formidable. Unique. Fearless. Character driven. Thoughtful and kind. I can see the big picture and the smallest details, and I leave no man behind.


On to VMG. If you could have a lifetime of free access to a product or experience from one of our past or present brands, what would it be?

KIND Bars. I loved the entire concept: healthy, convenient and delicious; thoughtfully packaged with spot-on advertisement; and great management and message.


And what attracted you to working at VMG in the first place?

Easy. As the first VMG employee, it was our founders and their vision. Kara and Mike are two of the most brilliant people in the industry. They were selfless planners and adventurers, charting a course for VMG. They also had high expectations of growth and were geared to the success of people, brands, investors and their families. I would follow the many where — and have for the past 18 years.


Sounds like you’re all in.

I have never had one single bad day at VMG Partners. Now, how many people can say that?

I have never had one single bad day at VMG Partners. Now, how many people can say that about their workplace?

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